Say it with me, Twen-ny-siiiix

May 27th, 2009 § 20

An entire weekend of bed rest, a late night visit to the isolation room of Medical City, and some cough syrup and antibiotics later, I think I’m finally starting to feel better. :)

It was kind of strange to be coughing like crazy on the week of my birthday, thank God for loved ones who didn’t mind being exposed to my virus to celebrate my 26th birthday with me. Now if the theme of my 25th birthday was good will and remembering childhood, this year, it was surprises — big and small, my entire week was just so full of them.


I didn’t think I’d enjoy being in the receiving end of surprises as I’ve often been the one staging the surprise, but for once, it actually felt good to have family and friends who went the extra mile to remind me (over again) that I am loved.

[You can stop reading here and jump 3 pharagraphs, because I’m gona blabber about people you don’t know next, and I can’t guarantee that you can relate.]

On the eve of my birthday, my brother and Mom dropped by my condo with a cake my brother made himself, and some chocolate chip ice cream which I didn’t get to eat anyway because my throat chose this week of all weeks to not cooperate (but hey, it’s the thought that counts). A few minutes after Kuya Niks and Mum left, someone dingdong-ed and left me a bouquet of pink roses. ♥

My birthday dinner was nothing short of overwhelming too, with my nieces (Yna, Nicole, Koreen, Hazel and Bea) acting as sous chefs to my brother who cooked a hearty dinner for my family, and a few friends. Sct. Lascano (Kamuning) has undoubtedly become a second-home, thanks to Ninong Dave and Ninang Sweets who have always opened their doors for us, and willingly invited me (lol) to my birthday dinner. :)

Fastforward to the day after my birthday, Ivy dropped by the condo with some pizza, Kuya Nate and Ate Imy passed by shortly after, followed by Jasper who drove by for a late night coffee with Ivy and me. Yes, bumabawi. And just when I was about to call it a night, Joni dropped by way past midnight to hand me her gift.

(Sometimes) I love having people drop by my place, uninvited. :) (And I say sometimes, because often, my condo is a mess, and I tell you, you don’t want to see that messy side of me.) Having people around makes this place feel even more like home. It’s not like a NY condo for sale alright, but it’s home nonetheless.

I wish I have photos to show you, but since I have been physically powerless (fine, or was just plain lazy), I chose to just focus on enjoying the moments rather than preserving them. I mean sure, these things may be ordinary — friends drop by anytime anyway, and Thursday nights in Lascano is not exactly unusual, and my brother cook dinner for us all the time. But I turned twennyyysix years old. I think that’s what made the ordinary things extra-ordinary.

And I kind of think that the people you spend your days with in your late twennys are the ones you get to spend the rest of your life with. And I’m glad. God’s been sooo good to me, my family is awesome, I have a wonderful support group behind me (circle of trust, yo!), and a bunch of amaaziiing friends (online and offline) to help me through the day. I think I’m all set. :)

Lastly, at the risk of sounding like I won an Oscar award, I just like to say, thank you everyone..

For my facebook (sorta) fan page, and all the wall messages and PMs. I know I promised to respond to each and every one of them, and I *still* intend too, really. I know I’m not really the type to remember birthdays of random acquaintances and old friends I’ve lost in touch with over the years, and I feel bad, because now being the recepient of these beautiful words from all you, I can say for a fact that each message counts. I am just overwhelmed how people (even the ones I never expected) took time to drop an FB message, or a tweet, or a flickr comment, or a text. You’re all super.

For the special SEOPH birthday thread, I’m surprised these guys still remember, thank you. :)

For the special blog greetings, Ivy, Jody, and Jeline, thank you.  ♥

For the lovely dinner, Ninong Dave, Ninang Sweets and company (Xaris! You’re the best!), thank you.

For all the surprises, Mom, my brothers, Ate Imy, Ivy, Jasper, Joni, thank you.

(Okkaayy, I’m done with my thank you speech now.)

Finally, I heard somewhere that love does not come everyday, so you have to grab it when you get a chance. I wouldn’t exactly agree on that one. I think love does come everyday, sometimes you just have to open your eyes wider to see. ^_^

Yay to twennyyysix loovely years. :)

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