This Week, I Got to Know Myself a Bit More

March 6th, 2009 § 10

So I happened to have spent a day in Makati last week and many times during the day I wondered how and why my younger self enjoyed going to that chaotic place. It’s too crowded, the buildings are too far apart for walking (fine, maybe it’s just me getting old), parking and traffic are terrible, and it’s frustrating to find a decent wifi hot-spot, pretty abnormal for a place they claim to be the country’s business district.

Makati is really not for me.

I don’t know how or when it started to happen but I’ve suddenly become more sure about what I want, and how I want things to be.

See, I love New York, and I sure will fly back given a chance, but I will never settle down in that place. I love Sydney, love love love everything about it, and I will do everything in my power to keep coming back. I don’t like California at all, and unless I get an all-expenses-paid trip again, I don’t think I’ll ever go back.

I love coffee shops, I don’t like bars. I’m over with beer, and loud music, and parties. I’m all for movie nights with girlfriends, and coffee dates, and window shopping for furniture, and trips to the salon. I like Thursdays better than Fridays. I know which friends to call if I want to rant. I know who to be with if I want to sit still and stare and not say anything. I know who to nudge on YM or Skype when I have sudden bursts of ideas at any given time.

Before, I wasn’t too sure about these things. But now, well now, that has changed.

And what do you know, the future suddenly becomes bright and shiny when you start to figure out who you are, what you want, and what your calling is. I believe know God didn’t create us the way we are for nothing.

On another note, I have found a new stress release: digital scrapbooking! I can’t remember how I landed in the scrapbooking side of the web, all I know is ever since that day, it has been a daily struggle controlling myself from buying scrapbook stuff with my paypal muneys (oh noes).

My favorite sites are: Little Dreamer Designs, Lily Pad, and this just in, Paislee Press (who’s responsible for all the cute PPs and elements in my new header, wee).

I think I may have a better future in digital scrapbooking than in SEO! :P

Credits: Paislee Press’ Photogenic and Alteredego Kits
& Words from Kendall Payne’s song, Not Afraid to be Me

Can I just say.. I didn’t realize I’d have such a rewarding time getting to know myself until now.

P.S. Oh, and thanks to The Rico for the unsolicited Photoshop and CSS tutorial. I needed it. :)

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